
October 14, 2018

Recipes for Dr. Approved Autoimmune-Friendly Halloween Treats

Recipes for special diet treats are always welcome in my mailbox!  How about yours? If you said, yes, you may want to follow this link to Dr. Amy Myer's post, "My Top 5 Treats for an Autoimmune-Friendly Halloween".

October 12, 2018

Are Gluten-Free Labeled Foods Really Gluten-Free?

Let's face it, a gluten-free label can be confusing and difficult to understand. If you are like me, you need your reader glasses to assist in your food label reading and then struggle to recall exactly what each gluten-free label really means.  How many ppm's (parts per million) does each certification allow?  (And an even bigger issue for me is exactly how many ppm's are really safe for me and you, too?) As if there were not enough certifications to remember, it seems there are new certifications showing up more frequently. This week, "Paleo Certified" was a new label I discovered while grocery shopping.  I needed to research to understand what exactly "Paleo Certified" meant.  Basically, these products tested to 10 ppm's gluten, along with other criteria you may read here at Paleo Foundation.  While researching this newest label, I stumbled across the article, "Are Your Gluten-Free Foods Really Gluten-Free?" that was helpful to me to understand some of the gluten-free labeling challenges that we face when buying packaged foods.

In my opinion, I feel that eating zero gluten is the way to be healthy if you are gluten sensitive or have celiac disease. Not the standard 20 ppm of gluten that is allowed in gluten free packaging.   Eating whole foods that are not in a package is the only way to do that.  Or is it?  Beans are packaged foods that are whole, but the process of growing beans in fields that are rotated with gluten containing foods and transported in a truck that previously contained gluten can be enough cross-contamination for those of us who are more sensitive.  Yes, that's right...beans and that includes green peas, too.

Staying safe from gluten is not always easy.  Gluten is a sneaky thing and can catch me off guard, even though, I eat so carefully,  One night months ago, I awoke feeling nauseous and threw up in the middle of the night.  I wasn't ill.  I thought maybe the frozen sweet peas I had eaten for dinner may have been thawed somewhere along the lines of transportation making me sick.  It took me a very long time to understand that it most likely was a gluten reaction from the sweet green peas!

For the longest time, I wasn't sure what my reactions were anymore, because I eat so clean I had no reactions.  After this episode of green peas, I had been cruising along safely until last week. I added a half tablespoon of whole flaxseed to my breakfast smoothie.  Within an hour my head hurt and became foggy. Throughout the day, I experienced itchy bumps and blisters on my body that had been characteristic to my past gluten reactions. Into the next day I was tired, and extremely bloated with swelling fingers. (Not a pretty sight)  Anyway, my soul was crushed to realize I was reacting to gluten in the flaxseeds that were from a company that tests for gluten to be under 20 ppm.

Obviously, there are some of us who are the MOST sensitive to gluten. I suppose I should be thankful that my body is not hiding any reactions from me.  I often ponder the thought that if I was not eating grain-free whole foods, how would I know the signs of being glutened?  Are there people who have no reactions that they are aware of?  I hear that is the case for the majority of people who are gluten-sensitive. Instead, they are diagnosed with an auto-immune disease before they know they are sensitive to gluten.  I suppose I should be thankful that my body is not hiding any reactions from me.  Okay, I already wrote that didn't I?  I am thankful.  My body is smart and designed perfectly to speak loudly, if just pay attention. 

August 20, 2017

Interpreting Your Genetics Summit - Time Sensitive!

Interpreting Your Genetics Summit

I'm a huge advocate of life long learning, especially regarding health and wellness.

That is why I am so excited to tell you about the Interpreting Your Genetics Summit, August 21-28, 2017. Your host, James Maskell, has gathered world-renowned leaders from genetics, genomics and functional medicine. These pioneering experts are on the front lines interpreting data to create improved health in patients around the world. It’s time to join the movement to know who you are, and use that information to improve your health!

I am honored to be an affiliate with this summit. If you are ready to come learn how to be the best you can be:  REGISTER to attend the Interpreting Your Genetics Summit.

Interpreting Your Genetics Summit

July 30, 2014

Are You Surviving or Thriving in Today's Toxic World?

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. ~ James 1:5 ~

Environmental toxins can be found in what you eat, drink, breathe, feel and think. You may or may not be aware of them, but chances are if you follow my blog you are aware, more than most, that toxins cause many chronic health conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and cancer.

My experiences with environmental toxins has been life-changing and lead me on a path of research to gain understanding.  It is a passion of mine to share what I learn with those I love so of course  I could not wait to tell you about the upcoming Detox Summit!

Join me online for free from August 4-11, 2014.

This Detox Summit will provide you with the information you need to:
  •     Learn about environmental toxins in food, air and water
  •     Understand internally-generated toxins, like thoughts, emotions and behaviors
  •     Recognize toxins of all types and eliminate them
  •     Focus on breakthrough solutions to gain more energy and vitality
Navigate your way through today’s toxic terrain when you register for the free, online Detox Summit today:

"Detox" is a multi-faceted term that means many things to people, from drug and alcohol detoxification to nutritional detoxification, or cleanses using food, smoothies and juices. Deanna Minich, PhD, has selected 30 experts in various areas of medicine, nutrition and personal growth to offer a well-rounded, credible approach to the issues of environmental toxins and holistic health.

Here are a few of the presenters:
Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Father of Functional Medicine
      The Science of Nutritional Detoxification
Mark Hyman, MD, Functional Medicine Expert
      Toxins and Chronic Disease: Why Detox is a Necessity for Good Health
Jeffrey Smith, Leading Spokesperson on GMOs
      Genetically Modified Foods as Toxins in Everyday Eating
David Wolfe, Superfoods Guru
      Foods to Enhance Vitality and Detox
Rainbeau Mars, Fitness Model and Actress
      A Full Spectrum, Superstar Approach to Everyday DetoxWith 30 presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for people everywhere!
Better yet, if you register today you’ll have access to the following FREE eBooksas soon as you register!
Food & Spirit Nourish Your Whole Self™ Report, by Deanna Minich, PhD
Detox Your Medicine Cabinet: 26 Herbs and Supplements that Treat Common Symptoms
     by Aviva Romm, MD
Top 7 Therapeutic Foods, by Kelly Brogan, MD
Ten Tips for Helping Your Loved One with Autism, by Martha Herbert, MD, PhD
Benefits of Vitamin D, by Soram Khalsa, MD

Come listen to The Detox Summit ONLINE for FREE from August 4-11, and learn to survive in our toxic world!
  To sign up click here - SIGN UP NOW!

I’ll see you at the Summit!


November 29, 2013

Stop the Cravings Chia Biscuits-(free of gluten, grain, dairy, egg, nut, soy, and sugar)

I love biscuits!  Do you?  If you are like me, a girl who loves biscuits, but must adhere to a rather strict healing diet, I believe you will be pleased to have this recipe in your repertoire.  I created this recipe to accommodate my "free of" requirements  (free of: grains, gluten, nuts, eggs, soy, sugar, dairy)  and to stop my cravings for biscuits.

Before traveling, I am usually baking these biscuits to take along to keep my hunger at bay.  They have seen me through many road trips.  When not traveling, they are my favorite snack eaten hot from the oven or topped with pear butter spread for a delicious treat.  I even like to squeeze my juicy grass-fed burger in these for a moment where I feel complete bliss with nothing missing or lacking!  Until they fall apart as the hot burger melts the coconut oil, but that doesn't bother me at all. (Grain-free and egg-free baking does have its ups and downs!)

So you see, this recipe I created just for myself and I happily enjoy them!  

In my opinion, these biscuits are full of super nutrients.  The healthy, delicious and nourishing foods like coconut oil and chia seeds make this biscuit healthy like no other biscuit I know of.

In case you are wondering... What is the big deal about chia seeds? Chia seeds are a wonderful super food that I became acquainted with while looking for a great egg replacer. I think you will be delighted to learn that chia seeds contain eight times more essential omega 3's than salmon.  Omega 3's in chia seeds have been clinically shown to be effective in preventing and reversing high cholesterol and heart disease.  I think you get the idea that chia seeds are a healthy choice. There is much more to learn about them, but if I tried to tell you much more this post would get quite lengthy. 

It is enough for me that "Chia" is the  Mayan word that means "strength". I am all about adding food that gives me strength!

The coconut oil is a marvelous source of medium chain fatty acids which is the closest thing in nature to human breast milk.  Researchers have concluded that 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil a day is equal to the MCFA that a breastfeeding infant would consume in a day.

I will let you in on a little secret.  These biscuits make me feel really satisfied and calm.  Thus the name "Stop the Cravings Chia Biscuits":  I often wondered why when I ate my biscuits in the morning and was busy making breakfast for the boys, cleaning the kitchen  (many times dishes from the night before :() I felt as if I had eaten a big breakfast.  My energy was good and all I ate was my biscuit.  Really, I would have a brief moment trying to remember did I eat breakfast?

As usual, my curious nature had to find out "Why?" 

What is the magic inside these biscuits? 

The chia seeds? 

I had to do a little researching to figure this out.  That is when I found a video segment  from the Dr. Oz Show, which I believe reveals a little "secret" about chia seeds. Dr. Oz's video, Try Chia Seeds to Stop Snackingexplains the wonders of chia seeds. After watching this video, my theory is that the addition of the chia seeds to the recipe is making me feel full.  Dr. Oz illustrates this extremely well in the video.  Plus, I am adding the healthy fats from the coconut oil which is keeping me full and feeling satisfied for a while. Anyway, I believe it's a winnerI like his tip, especially if you need assistance in feeling satisfied and overcoming cravings.

What do you think? Would you drink your chia seeds?   Personally, I would rather eat my biscuits than drink chia seeds, but I will leave that decision to you.  I love my biscuits and I share them just in case you are like me.

Stop the Cravings Chia Biscuits

Gluten-free, Grain-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free, Nut-free*, Soy-free, Sugar-free


  • 7 tablespoons (1/2 cup minus 1 tablespoon) coconut oil (I use Tropical Traditions Organic Expeller-pressed. It does not have a strong coconut flavor - See blog sidebar for affiliate link.)
  • 3 Tablespoons ground chia seeds (I use Navitas Naturals chia seeds, ground in a dedicated coffee grinder) or Navitas Naturals Sprouted Chia Powder (easiest to digest)
  • 3/4 cup full fat, canned coconut milk, - (Natural Value is BPA-Free and guar gum-free) (or 2 heaping tablespoons of coconut creme concentrate and 3/4 cup water) or sparkling water (See my notes at the bottom of this post)
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed or organic apple cider vinegar
  • 3 Tablespoons Kime's Pear Butter Spread
  • 9 drops stevia liquid (I use Body Ecology brand)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (I like Tropical Traditions - see blog sidebar)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
*Optional additions: 1/4 cup freshly shelled pecans, or finely chopped apple (my favorite)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Melt coconut oil in a medium-sized saucepan over medium low heat.
  4. Add to the saucepan the ground chia seeds, coconut milk, lemon juice/apple cider vinegar, pear butter spread, and stevia.  Stir with a spoon.
  5. Add the dry ingredients - coconut flour, baking powder, baking soda and sea salt to the saucepan and stir until mixed well.
  6. Shape into biscuits with a spoon and your hands. Place biscuits on the parchment lined baking pan.  Makes 10-12 biscuits.
  7. Bake for about 25 minutes. 
  8. Store in the refrigerator unless on the road!
Notes:  .

Why is important to seek out BPA-Free products? 
In a nutshell, BPA blocks the methylation cycle which is crucial for the body to detoxify and make glutatathione, the master antioxidant.  For each toxic molecule, we need a molecule of glutathione to remove the toxin from our body.  That is vitally important for good health!

If you are healing your gastrointestinal system then you most likely want to avoid guar gum. Avoiding this additive makes a noticeable difference in my digestive system. 

If I was unable to find BPA-free and guar gum-free canned coconut milk I would experiment and figure out how to make my own with shredded coconut and water. That is on my "to learn someday" list.  

Over time, I have decided I love using the sprouted chia seed powder in this recipe.  The sprouted version is highly digestible and my body likes it best. It is higher priced, so I leave that choice up to you.

Blogger Disclosure:  I am an affiliate with Tropical Traditions, because I love and use their products in my recipes.  Just so you know, if you are a new customer and purchase Tropical Traditions products through my blog links I earn a gift certificate of $25.00 for the referral. .   

November 1, 2013

The World's First Gluten Summit Could Change Your Life

The World's First Gluten Summit hosted by Dr. Tom O'Bryan of theDr.com is coming up in just two weeks -- November 11-17, 2013. You may register now to have free online access to the world's experts and opinion leaders (scientists, researchers, and nutritionists)--those on the cutting edge of food sensitivities, celiac disease, autoimmunity who will be teaching us what to do about them.. 

 I am excited to be an affiliate of this event and to be able to give you a sneak peek of  the schedule of speakers..   

You may register for this FREE summit by clicking here.

Each day's interviews will be available for 24 hours between 10:00 A.M. EST - 9:59 A.M. EST the next day.
  • Michael Marsh, MD, DSC, FRCP, "Godfather" of Celiac Morphology
  • Mark Houston, MD, MS, ABAARM, FACP, FAHA, FASH, Assoc. Clinical Prof. of Medicine at Vanderbilt University
  • Cynthia Kupper, RD, Executive Director of the Gluten Intolerance Group
  • David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM, President, Perlmutter Health Center
  • Alessio Fasano, MD, Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition at Mass General Hospital for Children
  • Rodney Ford, MD, MB, BS, FRACP, Pediatric Gastroenterologist & Food Allergy Expert
  • Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN, CHN, Owner of Innovative Healing, Inc.
  • Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, MT, CEO, ImmunoScience Laboratories
  • Mark Hyman, MD, Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine
  • Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci, Creator of the GAPS Diet
  • Erica Kasuli, MS, RD, CDN, Director of Nutrition at Amen Clinics
  • Marios Hadjivassiliou, MD, Educational Associate, Association for Historical Dialogue & Research
  • JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS, Best-selling author of "The Virgin Diet"
  • Tom Malterre, MS, CN, Co-owner of Whole Life Nutrition
  • Daniel Amen, MD, Author of "The Amen Solution"
  • Andrew Keech, PhD, DSc, Author of "Peptide Immunotherapy: Colostrum a Physician's Reference Guide"
  • Nora Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT, Author of "Primal Body, Primal Mind"
  • Peter Osborne, DC, CNCB, Founder of GlutenFreeSociety.org
  • Loren Cordain, PhD, "Godfather" of the Paleo Diet
  • Jeffrey Smith, Founder, Institute of Responsible Technology
  • Deanna Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, Nutrition & Health Expert
  • Sayer Ji, Founder of GreenMedInfo.com
  • William Davis, MD, Best-selling author of "Wheat Belly"
  • Jaqui Karr, CSN, CVD, Nutritionist & Lifestyle Expert
  • Dave Asprey, Writer of The Bulletproof Exec Blog
  • Suzy Cohen, RPh, "America's Pharmacist"
  • Umberto Volta, MD, Director of Coeliac Disease Simple Unit, St.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP, Head of Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center
  • Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DABCN, Founder of theDr.com & The Gluten Summit
As you may have noticed, each day has at least one scientist/researcher, one well-known clinician, and one renowned Nutritionist/Registered Dietitian, which makes every day of the summit a lab-to-real-life educational conversation.   This will be an awesome event that you will not want to miss! 

See you there!

July 18, 2013

Paleo Banana Pancakes

This recipe is a "first" for my blog.  The first recipe that I have not tasted  that I am sharing with you.  It feels weird and that is part of my hesitation to post lately.  But, I trusted my finicky taste testers to guide me as I created this recipe just for them.  Yep, the boys gave me feedback and this is the recipe that they love. I am told "Mom, you have to post this recipe, because people need this!"  So enough explanation...let's get cooking!


4 pastured eggs (see note where to buy at the bottom of this post)*
1 organic banana - approximately 1/2 cup 
1 tablespoon real organic maple syrup - Grade B
1/2 teaspoon organic cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
4 tablespoons organic coconut flour (Tropical Traditions)
2 tablespoons organic coconut oil, liquify (plus extra for oiling the pan) (Tropical Traditions)

I begin preheating my 12-inch skillet while I mix my pancake ingredients together.  It takes awhile for my heavy stainless steel skillet to heat up, but you be the judge of your own skillet.  

  1. Crack the eggs into a large bowl and whisk together very well.
  2. Peel and mash a banana into a small bowl and add to the egg mixture.
  3. Add the maple syrup, cinnamon, baking soda, coconut flour and coconut oil to the egg/banana mixture
  4. Stir well with a fork until mixed well.
  5. To determine if your skillet is hot and ready for the batter, add a drop of water to the skillet and if it skittles around the pan it should be just right.  Add the coconut oil to the pan.. My skillet works well with 3 tablespoons coconut oil at the start and then I use less as I cook more batches.
  6. Using a spoon drop the batter onto the hot skillet spreading it a little with the back of the spoon to make 3 " pancakes.
  7. Cook on the first side until browned on the bottom. You may see a few bubbles on the top side when ready, but not always, so keep checking for the bottom to brown. I use a flexible spatula for turning the pancakes gently to the other side.  Brown and remove from the pan and enjoy!
Debbie's Notes::
  • Do not use extra virgin olive oil for oiling the skillet, because the pancakes will cook to fast on the outside and burn.  Coconut oil and stainless steel work great. 
  • Where to buy pastured eggs -See Local Harvest*


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