
June 15, 2012

A Favorite Place....Nags Head, NC

My family and I had a little getaway to our favorite place... Nags Head, North Carolina.  Since I have readers from around the world, I thought you might enjoy a few snapshots from our trip. The beach in May is quiet and a peaceful place.  I love quiet and peaceful. 

Everyone, including the dog had a great time.

This trip is always a "test" for my detox pathways. A few years ago, I became ill very quickly from the toxins in the carpet in my families cottage. This time I was improved and I was able to stay a few days with my Austin air purifier following me from room to room.  That is better than last trip when we had to leave the next day after a miserable night.  I even tried to sleep in the car. This year I felt extremely tired much of the trip.  Fatigue just might be one of my early warning signs, but when my body reached its limit this time I became nauseous.  I don't know how I did it, but I had forgotten some of my key supplements that support detoxification. It was time to pack up and head back home.

I can truly say that my chemical sensitivities have taught me to enjoy the moment, because I don't know how long my tolerance will last.  I cherish these times with my family and posting these pictures here will encourage me to keep on my race. 

Environmental toxins are real, even  though you may not notice them.

Just in case you missed it, Diane Eblin of The Whole Gang recently blogged her story about remodeling and her chemical sensitivities.  She shares two juicing recipes that look fabulous for detox. 


  1. I love the beautiful photos and you sharing all with us, Debbie, but I'm so sorry your trip had to be cut short. It's amazing to me that so many folks are seemingly unaffected by smells, chemicals, etc. I am pretty sensitive, often having to leave work if any painting if being done, new carpeting is being laid, etc. I often walk into shops and then turn around and walk right back out because there are overwhelming odors from potpourri and candles. I received a big scented candle once as a gift from a friend and had to immediately take it back to the store. If the store hadn't been nearby, I would have just trashed it. Other times, I've put soap, candles, etc. on my screened porch until they can be re-gifted or given to our charity shop. Still, I'm not nearly as sensitive as you. My sympathies to you, dear. And Diane's post was excellent. Having these chemicals in one's own home is so harmful.


    1. Shirley,
      It is interesting to me to read your comments. I had no idea you experience chemical sensitivities, too. I am sorry you understand this! Although, I find comfort to be in the company of others who get it.

      It stands to reason...our bodies have been using our immune system to fight our food for so long that we have less "army" to deal with the toxins in our environment. These toxins place a heavy burden on everyone whether they know it or not. Unfortunately, we are canaries in the coal mine. I hope by sharing our experiences we can educate and raise awareness. The clues are often silent or missed.

  2. What a beautiful place. We used to go to Hilton Head quite often, but I don't think I have been to Nags Head.

    Sounds like you are making headway with your illness. Me too, but it is a long slow process as you know.

  3. My Journey With Candida,

    I think every beach is beautiful!

    It is great to see you. I had been wondering how you have been doing.

  4. I'm catching up on some reading here. Thanks for sharing your pictures. It looks like a fun time. I'm so sorry you had to cut it short. I had an opportunity to try Diane's juices and they are very good. I bought a juicer after trying them. Take care of yourself!


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